Characterization of cambisols for use for agricultural purposes in the Grand-Lahou’s Department in South-Western Cote d’Ivoire

Population growth considerably reduces arable land. Ivory Coast, with an annual population growth rate of 2.5%, is not exempt from this worrying situation. To guarantee the food security of populations, the objective use of agricultural land is essential. The study was initiated to determine the agricultural potential of the soils of Grand-Lahou for good agricultural use. Fifty-seven soil pits were opened using the toposequential method and then described in 11 villages in the region. Soil samples taken from the H1 (0-20 cm) and H2 (20-40 cm) horizons after the soil morphological characterization then analyzed in the laboratory to determine their chemical properties. The soils of the region were deep, loose and friable soils with a depth varying between 60 and 120 cm and a dominant sandy-silt-clay texture. Chemical analysis showed that in the H1 horizon the pH of the water (pHwater) was 6.55, the rate of the carbon (C) was 4.8, the rate of the assimilable phosphorus (Pass.) was 34.5, the cation exchange capacity (CEC) was 12.54 and the ratio of assimilable Phosphorus on total Phosphorus (Pass./Pt) was 6.55 %. But in the H2 horizon the pHwater was 5.23, the rate of the C was 1.95 g .kg-1, the rate of the Pass. was 13.62, the CEC was 13.03 and the ratio Pass./Pt was 3.06 %. The soils of Grand-Lahou can be described as soils suitable for agriculture and particularly food crops. Reasoned development of Grand-Lahou will make it possible to achieve food self-sufficiency in the region.
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